QCAM Pathway Highlights

Over the last three years, the QCAM Consortium has been working to create a pathway for students from all 3 university partners (New Mexico State University, Navajo Technical University, & Prairie View A&M University) geared towards moving them from undergraduate to graduate to career professional at a National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) laboratory. Through outreach & recruitment activities, hands-on research and workshops, and internship/fellowship opportunities we have developed a pathway for students to get engaged and prepared for a career in research and development with our NNSA partners.

Thanks to the continued support of the Department of Energy’s Minority Serving Institution Partnership Program, the QCAM Consortium has been able to provide research experience and mentorship to over 100 students and placed many of them into internship or career positions with NNSA partners like Los Alamos National Lab, Kansas City National Security Campus, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

We are excited to continue this work and find ways to further expand the reach of this program so that more students can be connected to the amazing opportunities available through the NNSA in the future.

*This project is based upon work supported by the NNSA’s Minority Serving Institution Partnership Program under Award No. DE-NA0003987


QCAM Scholar, Veronica Gurrola featured as MSIPP Student Highlight


QCAM Collaborations