Fall Undergraduate Research @ NMSU

Another semester has started and that means new QCAM research projects are starting at New Mexico State University (NMSU). This fall we have 3 undergraduate research scholars that have been selected to complete semester long projects and get valuable hands-on experience. These students are mentored by QCAM Director, Dr. Borys Drach and assisted by the QCAM graduate research students, Roman Chavez & Stephen Northrup.

As a part of the QCAM Undergraduate Research Scholar (URS) program, students are required to spend a minimum of 10/hrs per week in the Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) lab at NMSU researching and working on their assigned project. This semester the students are working on:

  • Effect of Printing Parameters on Porosity and Mechanical Properties

    • Participants: Roman Chavez (MS student), Nathan Nevarez (UG student, junior)

    • Goal: to publish a journal paper on dependence of porosity on print parameters in semi-professional (BambuLab) FDM polymer 3D printing

  • Print Warping Detection Using Infrared Camera

    • Participants: Caedon Carrasco (UG student, senior), Angel Landeros (UG student, senior)

    • Goal: Demonstrate that infrared imaging can be used to detect part warping and/or bed adhesion issues in FDM polymer 3D printing

  • 3D Printing Air Quality Monitoring and Mitigation

    • Participants: Stephen Northrup (MS student), Roman Chavez (MS student), Nathan Nevarez (UG student, junior), Caedon Carrasco (UG student, senior), Angel Landeros (UG student, senior)

    • Goal: Keep the air pollution from 3D printing at a minimum in the NDE lab

By participating in the QCAM URS program at NMSU, these students also get the opportunity to get feedback from our NNSA lab partners and be recruited for internship and/or career positions at those labs.


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